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The Last Judgement 1

Status: in author's collection Price: n/a SIze: 100 x 70 cm Technique: mixed Description: The Last Judgement – This striking piece is a personal reinterpretation of the grand 17th-century icon that originally captivated you. Framed in rich detail, the composition is divided into celestial and earthly realms, illustrating the divine judgment. At the center, Christ reigns within a radiant mandorla, surrounded by saints, angels, and the resurrected. Below, the earthly domain unfolds with vivid depictions of salvation and damnation—souls led toward paradise on one side and others cast into the gaping maw of a beastly Hell on the other. The iconographic style, reminiscent of medieval and early modern religious art, is imbued with a folk-like narrative charm, making it both timeless and deeply personal.

Status: in author's collection
Price: n/a
SIze: 100 x 70 cm
Technique: mixed

The Last Judgement – This striking piece is a personal reinterpretation of the grand 17th-century icon that originally captivated you. Framed in rich detail, the composition is divided into celestial and earthly realms, illustrating the divine judgment. At the center, Christ reigns within a radiant mandorla, surrounded by saints, angels, and the resurrected. Below, the earthly domain unfolds with vivid depictions of salvation and damnation—souls led toward paradise on one side and others cast into the gaping maw of a beastly Hell on the other. The iconographic style, reminiscent of medieval and early modern religious art, is imbued with a folk-like narrative charm, making it both timeless and deeply personal.